Your Precious Memories
For only $275, you receive access to 150+ life questions, thought-starters, and writing tips and a beautiful full-colour hardback book of your life story.
Simply choose which questions to answer and when you've finished, you receive your story to share with family and friends.
Give a Life Story
Do you know someone who would love to record their life memories, or whose life story you would love to see recorded?
Give the gift of a memoir to a loved one or friend today and capture the memories that are so easily lost.
What you say...
'Biografica has changed the way I write about my life.'
– Patrick J.
'The Biografica program made it so easy to remember and write my life story. And now I have a beautiful book for my children and grandchildren.'
– Dean K.
'The book satisfied my highest hopes in every way – a beautiful piece of work … a pleasure to hold.'
– Douglas N.
'What a treasure. A great gift for a loved one.'
– Heidi S.
'My mum loved the Biografica program and the writing tips made her feel inspired and supported.'
– Eliana G.
'Biografica was a simple and easy process and the entire family enjoy my book.'
– Sebastian P.
'I gave Biografica to dad because he had always wanted to record the story of his life, but didn't know where to start. Thank you, Biografica. You solved that problem beautifully.'
– Sana K.
'Biografica is a beautiful, beautiful program.'
– Trudy C.
Features to assist and inspire
You simply record your story by answering questions
You receive tips and thought starters to help you write
Your own secure, private life story page
Unlimited access to complete your story
The perfect gift for a loved-one
You receive inspiring emails to help you write
Professional editing services are available
We are Australian with than 30+ years of publishing experience
Contact us
If you have questions or need more details, fill out the form below.