There are many Australian collections providing the history of those who have served in the various conflicts in which Australians have taken part. Please bear in mind that items in collections are almost always under copyright, so cannot be downloaded and used in your story without permission. You can usually purchase high-resolution images and obtain permission to use them in your story.

The list below is not exhaustive but provides links to some of the central resources.

Australian War Memorial, Canberra

The Australian War Memorial Research Centre in Canberra is a wonderful resource. The material available online is only a small percentage of the complete collection, so you may need to visit in person to access the full breadth of material they hold about the history of Australians who served.

One of the great benefits of their collection is the vast photographic library they hold. There are fees for use, but they are usually high-quality restored images and so can become a centrepiece for your story.

The AWM provides a person search facility to help you find a friend or relative who has served.

Anzac Memorial, Sydney

A wonderful Sydney-based resource with helpful staff is the newly restored and expanded Anzac Memorial in Hyde Park. Their website description describes their collection best: "The Anzac Memorial holds a significant historical collection of approximately 6000 objects that tell the personal stories of servicemen and servicewomen, and their families. The collection includes ... objects of material culture, such as medals, badges, uniforms, field equipment, photographs, documents, manuscripts, framed works and books."

The Memorial focusses on the First World War, and curates an important collection of military items from New South Wales and are always keen to hear about items that may enhance their collection, so if you find items or historical details you believe may be of interest when writing your story, it might be worth getting in touch to share what you've found with them.

Shrine of Remembrance, Melbourne

The Shrine of Remembrance is a memorial honouring the service and sacrifice of Victorians and Australians in war, peacemaking and peacekeeping. They have a collection of service stories, podcasts, videos, and service stories that can be accessed online. They do not hold service records for members of Australian Armed forces.

National Archives of Australia

The National Archives of Australia holds Army, Navy and Air Force service records that will be invaluable if you are researching your story and it includes those with military service.

The database comprises 1.5 million service records for World War I and World War II. You can download PDF copies of records or order them if they are not currently digitised.

It also includes records and history for other conflicts in which Australians have taken part: Boer War (1899-1902), Korean War (1950-1953), Malayan Emergency, (1948-1960), Indonesian Confrontation (1962-1966), and Vietnam War (1962-1975).

There are costs for records or photographs you request from the Archives.

Australian Department of Veterans' Affairs

The Department of Veterans’ Affairs publishes Nominal Rolls listing members of Australia’s defence forces who served during a particular conflict. Nominal Rolls can provide a 'snapshot' of each individual veteran’s military service.

If you are writing your story and find you, or a family member, are not listed in the nominal roles, you can contact the Department to have details included:  The Director, Nominal Rolls, Department of Veterans’ Affairs
GPO Box 9998 CANBERRA ACT 2601, or by email:

If you find details on a Nominal Role are incorrect, you can contact the Department and have it amended here.

AIF History and Service

The University of New South Wales, ADFA, has created a valuable online research resource covering the AIF.

Commonwealth War Graves

This site cares for the 1.7 million men and women of the Commonwealth forces who died in the First and Second World Wars, ensuring they will never be forgotten. It is funded by six Member Governments, who built and now maintain, cemeteries at 23,000 locations around the world. At the core of this organisation is a searchable database of people and cemeteries.

Defence Honours and Award listings

The Australian Government maintains a list of honours and awards, which can be a useful resource to identify to detail in your story.

Australian Army History Museums

The Australian Army has a national network of Corps and Regional Museums which are open to the public.

To add depth to your story, this same site also provides useful descriptions of the many military traditions observed, from the Last Post to The Ode, and catafalques.

The Navy

The Australian Navy history site is a go-to resource if you need to search for details of a family member who has served in the Navy from the 1800s to more recently.


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