So what are the questions we ask you about your life?
There are more than 150 questions that range from the straightforward to the more thoughtful. The aim is to help you work through your memories and write your life story easily.
All our questions are phrased so that they require more than a 'yes' or 'no' response, such as:
- When you were young, what did you do on family holidays?
- Describe the house and the area in which you grew up.
- Tell us about some of your memories from primary school.
- Describe the interests you have pursued during your life.
- Tell us about the people that mean the most to you.
- What is your most satisfying professional achievement?
The other thing that makes you life easier when answering the questions is that we've also provided thought-starters and writing ideas – because we know it’s much easier to get started when you have a helping hand. These thought-starters are designed to give you a leg-up when writing your response.